Sunday, October 6, 2013

Your Will Be Done, Unless

Your will be done, unless it makes me afraid. 
Or anxious. 
Or angry. 

Your will be done, unless I'm uninterested. 
Or busy. 
Or lazy. 

Your will be done, unless it makes me leave my comfort zone. 
Or leave something behind. 
Or leave the couch. 

Your will be done, unless I don't understand. 
Or believe it's possible. 
Or think it wise. 

Your will be done, unless I don't trust you. 
Or other people. 
Or myself. 

Your will be done, unless it costs me something. 
Or changes something. 
Or ends something. 

Your will be done, unless my way is better. 
Or simpler. 
Or easier. 

Your will be done, unless I can't see the beginning. 
Or the end. 
Or the point. 

This is often how we think.

We sometimes see God as distant and apathetic.  We don't believe that He has any interest in our lives: not the big things, not the little things, not the day-to-day things.  We wonder why we would pray to a God that doesn't care about us, doesn't love us, doesn't even know us.  We know the world may judge us for relying on the wisdom of a being they cannot see and do not believe in, so we give in, and we take a step on the path of the world.  We save our ego, and our pride, sacrificing a relationship with the one true God.

This is the way the human mind works.

We cannot understand God, and thus, He cannot be all we are taught that He is.  We cannot see Him, so How can He be there?  We cannot touch Him, so how can He be interested and active in our lives?  We cannot hear Him, so how can we believe that He speaks to us, nudging and prompting us?  The world tells us to "look out for number one."  Make your own path.  Do your own thing.  Be your own person.  Trust only yourself.  How can we be a Christ follower in a world that rejects Him?

It starts with faith.

Faith that He is more than myth.  More than stories.  Faith that He is as real as you and as real as me, and as real as anything you can touch with your hands.  Faith that when you pray, you are not merely making noise.  Faith that the only true source of wisdom is the exact thing this world rejects.  Faith that the wisdom of God is greater than the wisdom of man, and that we should always follow Him and His leading, no matter what worldy objections there are, and no matter what excuses our human minds can conjure against it. 

And it continues with perspective.

We are the tools God uses.  We must understand our place in the kingdom of God.  We each have a purpose, a part to play, in that kingdom.  The world needs Jesus, and knowing that should change how we look at everything.  We begin to make decisions through God's eyes.  We begin to put Him first.  We begin to go to Him in prayer about everything.

We do not allow ourselves to be influenced by the ways of the world, for we are living to be used by God, and we do not desire God's uses for us to be diminished by our own foolishness and flaws.  We see other people as God sees them: His children, greatly loved and cherished by the one creator of the universe.  They are no longer simply nameless faces we walk by, but real people with one real need: they need Jesus.

Instead of being Sunday Christians, who give glory to God once a week and then continue as though He is not relevant, we allow Him into every part of our lives.  We grant Him authority in our financial, occupational and relational choices, because we know that His plan encompasses every aspect of the way we live.  We do not shove him away from the decisions that affect our family, because we want our family to live according to His wisdom.  We choose the will of God over our own desires.

While we do not and can not understand the vastness of God's plan, to consider our own ways better and wiser is foolish.  It is the wise person who seeks the will of God in all they do, following Him down any path and in any storm, knowing it to be the right path.

Your will be done, even if it makes me afraid.
Your will be done, even if I don't understand.
Your will be done, even if it costs me something.
Your will be done, even if my way is easier.

Your will be done, God, in all we do, so that you may be glorified, and that the world may be reached with the good news of Jesus Christ.