Monday, November 15, 2010

Life's Truths

These are truths that define how I live my life. To me, these are unquestionable absolutes.

There is a God. I can guarantee I would not live my life in the same way if I didn’t believe there was a God. You can still live by a moral code if you don’t believe in God, but that moral compass is set by human standards, not by God. If there was no God, why would I believe that human life is as sacred as it is? If we are not God’s most prized creation, are we not merely as valued as the lilies of the field and the animals of the Earth? If there is no God, there is no sacred reason to do many of the things I do and have done.

Life is not that serious. I'm one of those people that can find humor in almost anything. We seem to get worked up about things that don't really matter. Worrying about and getting upset over the little things does nothing to help anything. Pick your fights; and make sure they're worth fighting for. Take a step back and realize what is important and what isn't. And have a good laugh.

Life is not a joke. It may be a fine line to tread, but while life is not that serious, it's not a joke either. Do not waste your life on Earthly things. Live your life to the best of your potential, and walk God's path, but do it with a smile on your face.

Life is fragile. I am not afraid of death. I try to live my life according to the plan of Christ, and I do not know all that plan holds. Whether my life ends tomorrow or when I'm a hundred years old, I know that my life is fully held within God's hands, and that His purpose will be done.

Life is eternal. After we leave this planet, Heaven is waiting, and there we shall live forever. I know that our Earthly deaths are not the end; there is a much greater and more glorious future ahead of us.

Life is not unscripted. God is in control of everything. The Bible says each of our days were planned far before we were even thought of by human minds. It is not our place to worry about everything in this life, for God has already figured it all out.

Life is imperfect. At least, we humans are imperfect. This leads to imperfect relationships and situations, and to pain and hardships. The fact is that each of us has suffering. While some may have it worse than others, we all must fight against it, for through God, any hardships of this world can be overcome. There is nothing that this world can throw at you that, through Jesus, you can't handle.

Life is absolute. One of the world's most popular attitudes is "Find your own truth." While we all must find the path that God has made uniquely for us, there is still only One God, One Jesus, and One way to Heaven. You cannot get to Heaven through good works alone, or any other way besides belief in Jesus Christ. It can't be done, and that's the way it is.

Life's worth is not measured in years. I would rather die tomorrow but have walked God's path than live a hundred years separated from Christ. We all have the same amount of eternity ahead of us.

Life's worth is not measured in dollars. Money and other Earthly things will not get you into Heaven. As the saying goes, "He who dies with the most toys, still dies."

Life's worth is not measured by the opinions of others. Do not let others bring you down or tell you that you are less than what you are. The truth is, that you are an amazing creation of an amazing God, nothing less. You are uniquely created to be just the person that God intended. He will use your strengths – and your weakness – to achieve His purposes in your life.

Life's true worth is not measured on this planet. The race we run does not have its finish line on this side of Heaven. When we leave this world and enter the next, then the race will reach its finish, and we will then have eternity to celebrate it.

Life's guidebook is the Bible. The Bible is absolute truth; authored by God and simply inked by men.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I like this quote "We seem to get worked up about things that don't really matter. Worrying about and getting upset over the little things does nothing to help anything."
    You don't really get upset by anything! I wish I had your countenance
