Monday, April 1, 2013

This Will Change Your Life

Are you bald?  Then try our hair restoration product and change your life!  Perhaps your issue is grey hair, or a big belly, or marks or scars on your skin.  Or perhaps you no longer like your wardrobe, or your shoes, or your car, or your house, or your spouse.  Why keep things as they are, when changing even one small thing can change your life?  You'll feel infinitely better and your life will never be the same!

Except that nothing will really change.

Today's society is seeking change, for everyone has a gaping hole in their life, one they know needs to be filled with something.  Businesses know this need, and they look to profit from our own inadequacies by selling us something we think will change our lives.  They make us feel bad and shameful for what they call physical and lifestyle imperfections, willingly exploiting our insecurities.

We look to add true meaning to our lives, as we should, and yet we look in the wrong places.  If you're lacking hair on the top of your head, there's certainly nothing wrong with doing things to add or regrow hair, but does that really change your life?  Does changing any of the things mentioned in the first paragraph really make any meaningful difference?  Or are we simply making ourselves feel better, pretending to add great value to things whose value is minimal?  Is the difference real, or artificial?

The truth is, that while none of these things (or other such things) are bad in and of themselves, they should not be looked at as the gateway to a better life.  We should not attempt to find fulfillment or happiness in such things, for ultimately, they are temporary and superfluous.  Our happiness and confidence should not come from how we look, for merely physical attributes should not be the driving force behind our contentment in life.  Relying upon our physical bodies will ultimately lead to disappointment, for these bodies are not meant for long term dependability.  They will all fail one day, and then it depends on our heart and mind to determine our happiness.  For only a mind that has placed its reliance on God will be truly content.

So, do not conform to the ways of the world, for it will keep you wanting more, and yet will never fulfill those promises.  Only God will not let you down, and only God will bring you happiness in this life, and the life to come.  True contentment is nothing something that can be acquired through this world, but only through the man that came from Heaven to die for our sins. 

That gaping hole inside each of us can only be filled by one thing, and He's not sold in stores.

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